We strive to provide dependable, safe, and simple solutions to all who use our services. We promise to treat all clients with respect, integrity, and openness. Our work is performed by highly trained professionals, and to the highest standards, every time.

We at Vision Integrity have been working with companies across Western Canada to enhance the safety of their operations since 2011. Safety is at the forefront of all that we do, such as performing non-destructive testing on a vessel, providing a full turnaround team, ensuring the integrity of a tank, performing FEA fitness for service modeling, or running a risk assessment on a pipeline. We work closely with our clients to solve any problems they may face.

Our mission is to provide innovative, cost-effective ways to support our clients with their projects. We develop a deep understanding of our clients’ needs, then offer services and solutions that meet and exceed expectations. We use both established practices and innovative methods that fit the unique needs of each client.

When you choose Vision Integrity, you are not just choosing a vendor — you are choosing a teammate. Your problems become our problems. We work to develop a long-lasting relationship with you by providing readily available service, maintaining open communication and transparency in all practices, and demonstrating our eagerness to adapt to your needs. We aim to be your first call for all integrity services.


At Vision Integrity, our people are our heartbeat. We trust our people, and we give them the tools they need to succeed. We are proud of the work of each of our employees, and pride ourselves on choosing the people who will be able to provide the best service for you, our client.

  • Hayk Vardanyan
    Hayk VardanyanChief Financial Officer
  • Nicole de Varennes, P.L. (Eng.), CIP 3
    Nicole de Varennes, P.L. (Eng.), CIP 3Coatings SME & Manager
  • Tanner Konrad
    Tanner KonradEnvironmental Operations & Health and Safety Manager
  • Callum Maclean
    Callum MacleanAsset & IT Lead

Core Values


A key element of operating responsibly is our continuous focus on health and safety. We never compromise the health, safety, or environment of the communities where we live and work. Keeping our employees safe is more than a priority — it is a fundamental value that will never change. Our belief in safety means that we always strive to do the right thing, in the right way, at the right time.

A strong safety culture, personal safety awareness and involvement, safety leadership, and active hazard assessment and tracking measures, are all steps we take to cultivate an atmosphere of mindful change and improvement in our health and safety performance.

On our worksites, all Vision Integrity Engineering personnel are required to obey all safety rules, follow safe work practices, wear personal protective equipment, inform supervisors of any unsafe conditions, and participate in safety training programs.

Vision Integrity Engineering maintains an annual membership with the Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships (AASP), our Certifying Partner in the Certificate of Recognition (COR) Program. Through the AASP we are COR certified in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan.

To ensure reliability and safety adherence, we subscribe to three safety compliance websites: ISNetworld, Complyworks, and Avetta. These sites offer up-to-date information on Vision Integrity Engineering’s safety program and safety performance statistics, WCB records, insurance documents, and our COR.

As with our Quality Assurance Program, our Health, Safety and Environment Program receives the highest level of commitment from senior management. We are proud of our statistics, and maintain a position of good standing with all regulatory authorities including the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC).