At Vision Integrity, we treat all clients with respect, integrity, and professionalism. We feel confident showing that we’ve done a good job. Below are some of our present and past projects.
We believe that the quality of our work speaks for itself. If you’d like assurance that we provide a job well done, or want to know more about specific projects we’ve completed, follow the links below. We provide first rate engineering, inspection, and quality control solutions, and we want the world to know.
Our team is always busy working on new and exciting projects. Below is a sample of our work.
Structural Inspection
Inspection of Ride Shoulder Restraints
Pipeline Maintenance
Digital Radiography.
Vendor and Supplier Audits
Vessel Inspection API - 510, ABSA In-Service Inspection
Pipeline Non-Destructive Examination (NDE)
Pipeline Non-Destructive Examination (NDE)
Non-Destructive Examination of Pipeline Construction
Steam Turbine NDE
Digitization of RT Film
Refinery Turnaround
Pipeline Engineering Assessments
Third Party Auditing and Verification
Major Facility Construction Quality Assurance and Inspection
Pipeline System Risk Assessment
Pipeline Pig Launcher and Receiver Design
Mckay River SAGD Project
Pipeline System Risk Assessment
Lifting Equipment Inspection
MRCP Plant Site (SAGD)
Structural Inspection
Inspection of Ride Shoulder Restraints
Vendor and Supplier Audits
Vessel Inspection API - 510, ABSA In-Service Inspection
Pipeline Non-Destructive Examination (NDE)
Pipeline Non-Destructive Examination (NDE)
Non-Destructive Examination of Pipeline Construction
Steam Turbine NDE
Digitization of RT Film
Refinery Turnaround
Pipeline Engineering Assessments
Third Party Auditing and Verification
Major Facility Construction Quality Assurance and Inspection
Pipeline System Risk Assessment
Pipeline Pig Launcher and Receiver Design
Mckay River SAGD Project
Pipeline System Risk Assessment
Lifting Equipment Inspection
MRCP Plant Site (SAGD)
Structural Inspection
Duration: 2023
Project Details:
This project involved a comprehensive structural inspection to support the client’s existing Structural Integrity Management Program. The inspection scope covered various structural elements, including primary process skid frameworks, piling, pipe racks and supports, flare stack bases, walkways, stairways, and ladders. Vision Integrity Engineering ensured a thorough evaluation of these components to assess their structural integrity and provide recommendations for any required maintenance or repairs.
Key Deliverables:
- Pre-inspection scope development
- Inspection procedures
- Daily progress reporting
- Detailed inspection reports
- Action item list
Additional Information:
All reports were audited and accepted by the regulator.
Personnel Involved:
Vision Integrity Engineering Inspection Department
Inspection of Ride Shoulder Restraints
Location: Calgary Stampede
Client: North American Midway
Vision Integrity Engineering (VIE) recently conducted inspections of the shoulder restraints on the “Mach 3” and the swing pins of “Jumbo Elephant” ride, at the Calgary Stampede for North American Midway. Using radiographic testing (RT) and fluorescent magnetic particle testing (MT), we looked for signs of water ingress, corrosion, wall loss, deformation, and cracking. Our findings confirmed that both rides’ restraints and pins were in good condition and compliant with safety standards. We also digitized the inspection films and uploaded them to SharePoint for easy access and review. This project ensures ongoing safety and reliability for future events.
The inspection encompasses a large variety of equipment throughout the plant. This equipment includes scissor lifts, overhead cranes, telehandlers, monorails, jib cranes, pickers, boom cranes, skid steers, and other minor equipment. Rather than being specifically situated in a yard or in one specific area of the plant, the equipment is spread throughout multiple active areas. For this reason it is of the utmost importance that Vision Integrity be proactive and mindful of the safety of all parties involved.
Once inspections are completed over the term of around one week, we provide the company with detailed and concise Vision Integrity reports.
Lifting equipment for major SAGD operator
Location: North of Fort McMurray in the Oilsands Region
Duration: Annual and Ongoing
Meeting the demands of inspecting a large oil and gas company’s lifting equipment takes detailed planning, an acute awareness for safety, and extensive experience. Vision Integrity takes on the ongoing challenge of navigating inspections within the plant during different phases, including undergoing construction, commissioning, and day-to-day operations. Our inspectors adhere to the strict safety standards in place while completing all necessary inspections in an effective and efficient manner.
The inspection encompasses a large variety of equipment throughout the plant. This equipment includes scissor lifts, overhead cranes, telehandlers, monorails, jib cranes, pickers, boom cranes, skid steers, and other minor equipment. Rather than being specifically situated in a yard or in one specific area of the plant, the equipment is spread throughout multiple active areas. For this reason it is of the utmost importance that Vision Integrity be proactive and mindful of the safety of all parties involved.
Once inspections are completed over the term of around one week, we provide the company with detailed and concise Vision Integrity reports.
Crane Inspection
Location: Medicine Hat
Duration: 2017–Present
This company is a provider of lifting equipment rentals in Alberta, and has never failed to provide Vision Integrity with unique and interesting pieces of equipment to inspect. While we perform all of our inspections to the highest standard, this undertaking requires a particularly thorough and attentive inspection. A failure occurring on this equipment can have serious consequences.
Tackling the inspection of this equipment, the largest of which is a 230-tonne crane, calls for a variety of techniques. To ensure everything is in order, Vision Integrity’s CWB certified Visual Inspectors conduct an in-depth survey of the equipment. We then use Non-Destructive Testing, such Magnetic Particle Inspections and Ultrasonic Inspections, to inspect all welds, pins, and bolts, without affecting the integrity. The inspectors performing this work are CGSB certified, and have extensive experience.
As safety for our inspectors and for our clients’ employees is critical, our inspectors make sure that all inspections are performed in a safe and compliant manner. We then provide a clear and concise Vision Integrity report on the findings.
Pipeline System Risk Assessment
Location: Red Earth, Alberta
Duration: 3 Months
Vision Integrity worked with our client to utilize our pipeline risk assessment model. We took a straightforward approach to their requested elements then produced a concise set of reports. The senior management of our client acknowledged the ease with which their requirements were met and, most importantly, that they were met with no additional cost or impact on schedule.
As required by our client, the model process and reporting followed the requirements of CSA Z662 Clause 3 ‘Safety and loss management system,’ (SLMS) Annex B ‘Guidelines for risk assessment of pipeline systems,’ and Annex N ‘Guidelines for pipeline system integrity management programs.’
The model assessed many elements, including: design and operating conditions; production volumes, connectivity, materials, and product; location and water crossings; internal and external hazards; third party interference; construction; chemical program; and mitigation and monitoring activities.
Our team’s approach to working with the client and client vendors ensured all pipelines were risk ranked and flagged where deficiencies and risk existed.
The reporting was provided at pipeline and field levels, clearly identifying a pipeline’s risk and the drivers to determining the calculated risk. The results supported the budget allocation and decision-making process for the integrity management program.
Pipeline System Risk Assessment
Location: Desan, BC
Duration: 2 Months
Vision Integrity undertook a risk assessment of a transmission pipeline to evaluate the integrity program and meet regulatory requirements. The risk assessment was supported using Vision Integrity’s model.
As required by our client, the model process and reporting followed the requirements of CSA Z662 Clause 3 ‘Safety and loss management system,’ (SLMS) Annex B ‘Guidelines for risk assessment of pipeline systems,’ and Annex N ‘Guidelines for pipeline system integrity management programs.’
The model assessed many elements, including: high impact areas; design and operating conditions; production volumes, materials, and product; location and water crossings; internal and external hazards; third party interference; construction; chemical program; and mitigation and monitoring activities.
The reporting was provided at pipeline and pipeline segmented levels to accurately identify hazards and deficiencies. The results supported our client’s focus on mitigating hazards to the pipeline and highlighting gaps in the integrity program and where improvements could be made.
Pipeline Engineering Assessments
Location: Alberta, BC, and Saskatchewan
Duration: 8 Years and Ongoing
Over the years we have undertaken many engineering assessments to support our clients’ operations. Our engineering assessments have covered operating pressure amendments, substance changes, sweet-to-sour service approvals, pipeline reactivations, and general pipeline and system integrity reviews.
We have completed flow direction, substance change, and MOP increases for OGC submissions in British Columbia. In Alberta, for AER license amendments, we have prepared assessments for H2S increases, substance changes, reactivations, and integrity testing including test pressure calculations. In Saskatchewan, we have completed similar scopes to AB and BC with particular attention to fibreglass pipelines and systems.
While preparing our engineering assessments, we liaised directly with field/facility operations and client service providers who supplied key elements for the engineering assessment. These included chemical vendors, cathodic protection companies, construction contractors, inspection providers, and field consultants. When appropriate, we also discussed the assessment results with the regulators, which often provided a smoother path to approvals.
Drawing upon our extensive experience in the field, we present the data and findings in a concise and lean manner to enable effective client and regulator review.
Pipeline Pig Launcher and Receiver Design
Location: Vermillion, AB
Duration: 1 Month
Vision Integrity worked to fast-track a client request to design a 12” Pipeline Pig Launcher and a 12” Pig Receiver. The units required were different dimensions in order to be suitable for use with client specified ILI Smart Pig Tooling.
Vision Integrity ensured that units were modelled and designed to CSA Z662 standards. A full suite of construction details were provided, including a bill of material types, sizes, and grades. We ensured that all welds were mapped numerically with type and inspection requirements. Units were specified to conform with pressure testing requirements.
Our engineers structurally designed a carrier frame for each unit. The frame drawings with provided with a bill of material types, sizes, and grades. All completed welds were mapped numerically with type and inspection requirements.
Vision Integrity worked with our client to utilize their existing piping and structural materials in order to promote efficiency and keep costs low. When needed, we also assisted our client with the procurement of more specialized items, such as quick opening closures.
Major Facility Construction Quality Assurance and Inspection
Location: Fort McMurray, AB
Duration: 18 Months
Vision Integrity acted on behalf of our client as a third party to provide a multi-disciplined, experienced team of quality assurance (QA) and construction inspection personnel. Services were provided for the mechanical, structural, instrumentation, electrical, and coating disciplines. Services were provided on-site from initial module installation phases through to final commissioning.
Specific responsibilities included interfacing with the client’s functional groups, coordinating site visits for key suppliers, reviewing and auditing site fabricator quality assurance and quality control programs, and reporting any issues and deficiencies. Vision Integrity ensured that all required QA and QC checks were completed and signed off in compliance with Quality Plans and ITP’s.
Monitoring adherence to the latest version of facility design criteria (specifications, procedures, practices) was a critical element, and was successfully achieved.
Working with our client, we promoted job safety, encouraged safe work practices, and supported identifying job hazards.
Third Party Auditing and Verification
Location: Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan
Duration: Ongoing
Vision Integrity personnel have extensive experience in providing third party auditing and verification services to our clients. Our team includes personnel who have worked for the Regulators, Independent Verification Bodies (IVB’s), and have ISO 9001 Lead Auditor training. We provide continuous support to our clients in numerous auditing projects, with a focus on a variety of areas. Below are examples with brief summaries of some of the areas and projects.
We provided auditing of an international material supplier for our client. Scope involved preparation of an audit strategy document with supporting checklists and reporting templates. The detailed approach covered auditing of supplier corporate processes and procedures through to their material supply chain into Canada and then local provincial suppliers.
We support our clients through the auditing of module, pressure equipment, and piping fabrication shops and sites. Generally these audits consist of two main areas. The first is an audit of a facility as part of a client pre-selection process, and precedes a potential contract award. The second is auditing on a scheduled basis during a contract or fabrication program. We have our own selection of audit checklists that we use, or we can utilize our clients’ documentation, depending upon the scope. The audit and reporting process is always undertaken against a defined scope, with each element and finding recorded.
We have conducted audits of piping OPPSD packages prior to regulatory submission for two major operators. This required engineering and auditor input to highlight areas for package submission improvement, and to develop a process where the packages would be submitted with a ‘get it right the first time’ goal. We supported our clients through this process with the development of procedures and checklists.
Ensuring that client integrity programs comply with the latest pressure equipment and pipeline regulatory requirements is an ongoing area of audit focus. This involves auditing the numerous program elements involved, from corporate hierarchy documentation through to specific areas such as competency and training, record management, risk management, setting KPI’s, and operations procedures. When requested, we have also interviewed the personnel involved with implementing the programs. This has included senior management, coordinators, and operators.
MRCP Plant Site (SAGD)
Location: McKay River, AB
Duration: 18 Months
Vision Integrity provided a team of 12 personnel on site for 18 months. The team provided our client with quality assurance and inspection services on behalf of the owner. We performed services for mechanical, structural, coating, and electrical disciplines. By being able to provide a diverse set of services our client was offered flexibility and cost savings due to our employees being multi-ticketed. The Vision Integrity team was on site from installations through to final commissioning.
Non-Destructive Examination of Pipeline Construction
Location: Lloydminster, AB/SK
Duration: 10 Months
Over a ten-month period, Vision Integrity provided our client with radiographic testing (RT) for a major pipeline. Using RT, one of our many thorough NDE methods, Vision Integrity examined sixty kilometers of twenty-inch pipeline paralleled with an 8-inch line.
Vision Integrity used an x-ray crawler crew to conduct NDE on the twenty-inch line. The pipeline system being examined was extensive, with numerous tie-ins, branches, and connections to both existing facilities and proposed future facilities; an efficient and budget-savvy approach was vital. As an x-ray crawler takes a large amount of x-ray photos during examination, using this method allowed Vision Integrity to provide RT at double the efficiency of a standard Gamma truck while providing considerable savings for our client.
Beyond the RT, our completed NDE work included magnetic particle inspection (MPI) and incidental ultrasonic testing (UT). Using these methods, Vision Integrity was able to ensure that our client’s major pipeline remained fit for service. The scope of work was completed on budget, followed the contractor’s schedule, and satisfied all of our client’s needs.
Refinery Turnaround
Location: Burnaby, BC
Duration: 3 Months
Since early February of 2020, Vision Integrity has recently completed turnaround engineering and inspection support for one of our major clients in BC. Six senior API 510 inspectors, turnaround engineers, and one Quality Manager were on-site, for a total of 14 Vision Integrity employees providing their expertise and support to our client during this turnaround.
To ensure the best possible turnaround, our senior API 510 vessel inspectors lead field inspections,
provided recommendations for repair solutions, and developed final vessel inspection/repair reports. Our turnaround engineers provided repair strategies, FFS (Fitness For Service) options, and performed NDE analysis on corrosion rates/remaining life.
The close integration of engineers and inspection teams (both within VIE and the client personnel) has been proven to significantly reduce the need for rework while allowing work to be completed on an efficient schedule — two highly desired outcomes in a turnaround event.
Digitization of RT Film
Location: Lloydminster, AB/SK
Duration: 16 Months
Vision Integrity provided one of Canada’s major energy companies with services that involved the scanning and digitization of radiographic films for data retention. We used a high tech Industrial Film Digitizer to scan the film. We also used advanced NDT software, allowing us to save the images in DICONDE format. DICONDE (Digital Imaging and Communication in Non-destructive Evaluation) is an evolving standard that provides a way for NDT users to handle, share, store, and transit image data.
When Vision Integrity delivered the final package to our client, we also provided them with a procedure outlining the DICONDE format. The final package uses weld numbers as labels for image files to ensure consistency.
The digitization program benefits our clients by providing easy access and an extended life to the images. Digitization also allows for the convenient and fast transfer of information. This improves our clients’ efficiency on a project by giving them the ability to share the images for inspection, evaluation, and auditing. A digital archive stores the information, making it forever available 24/7 for primary use and recovery. By storing the physical images for our clients, we save them the time, cost, and responsibility of storage.
Steam Turbine NDE
Location: Medicine Hat, AB
Duration: 1 Week
Vision Integrity provided our client with several techs to complete NDE on a steam turbine during a shutdown. These techs worked long hours over several days to ensure the work was thorough and high quality, and followed an efficient schedule.
This was delicate work. Mechanics disassembled a 14-rotor turbine, including removing the turbine’s stationary blading.
Individual pieces were thoroughly examined for defects by Vision technicians using MT, PT, and VT. Some of these pieces weighed hundreds of pounds and, despite being made of steel, required gentle handling.
We found a significant defect that was then ground out and repaired by welding. Vision provided assistance with the repair.
Vision has previously undertaken similar projects at turbines located in the Calgary area.
Pipeline NDE
Location: Wainwright, AB
Duration: 18 months
Over an eighteen-month period, Vision Integrity provided our client with radiographic testing (RT) for a major pipeline. Using RT, one of our many thorough NDE methods, Vision Integrity examined one hundred and fifty kilometers of common trench twenty-inch pipeline paralleled with an 8-inch line.
Vision Integrity used an x-ray crawler crew to conduct NDE on the twenty-inch line. The pipeline system being examined was extensive, with numerous tie-ins, branches, and connections to both existing facilities and proposed future facilities; an efficient and budget-savvy approach was vital. As an x-ray crawler takes a large amount of x-ray photos during examination, using this method allowed Vision Integrity to provide RT at double the efficiency of a standard Gamma truck while providing considerable savings for our client.
Vision had up to 20 people on this project. Beyond the RT, our completed NDE work included magnetic particle inspection (MPI) and incidental ultrasonic testing (UT). Using these methods, Vision Integrity was able to ensure that our client’s major pipeline remained fit for service. In addition to the NDE provided, Vision also did the Quality Assurance work for our client. This consisted of compiling data about the welding as it progressed. The scope of work was completed on budget, followed the contractor’s schedule, and satisfied all of our client’s needs.
Pipeline NDE
Location: Mackenzie, BC
Duration: 4 months
Over a four-month period, Vision Integrity provided our client with radiographic testing (RT) for a pipeline. Using RT, one of our many thorough NDE methods, Vision Integrity examined various short lines and tie ins to one of BC’s mainline systems.
Beyond the RT, our completed NDE work included magnetic particle inspection (MPI) and incidental ultrasonic testing (UT). Using these methods, Vision Integrity was able to ensure that our client’s major pipeline remained fit for service. Vison Integrity RT techs covered the UT and MPI requirements of the tie ins eliminating the need for additional technicians. The scope of work was completed on budget, followed the contractor’s schedule, and satisfied all of our client’s needs.
Vessel Inspection API - 510, ABSA In-Service Inspection
Location: Empress, AB
Duration: 1 Week
VIE was awarded external pressure vessel inspection with corrosion monitoring with UT under the ABSA in-service inspection and API-510 guidelines to ensure regulatory compliance towards the fitness of service of a major client’s gas processing plant. VIE completed the work on schedule with no safety issues in a challenging environment with in-service equipment and in-progress new construction. VIE utilizes our experience and strategy to optimize inspection production by controlled inspections, with coordination from our client and other trades on-site, to minimize the impact on others and to maintain steady progress; the work was scheduled in accordance with weather forecasts to afford continued inspections during heavy rain and wind conditions. The utilization of local technicians and engineering near the plant, with excellent support from the Calgary team, proved to be effective to complete all the external pressure vessel inspections.
Vendor and Supplier Audits
Location: Alberta
Duration: Ongoing
On behalf of our client, we implemented a facility and documentation audit of 10 client service providers. The scope was focused on ensuring service providers were in compliance with regulations, client requirements and their own integrity and quality programs. Vision prepared pre-audit checklists tailored to the service providers scope, interfaced with the service providers, scheduled the audits, completed visits to each location, and provided final audit reports with findings, observations and recommendations.
Additionally, a summary report was provided for the 10 audits with analytics and recommendations for vendor comparison. Progress during the project was regularly reported and the scope was completed on time and budget.
Completion of the audits supported the client’s Owner User Pressure Equipment Integrity Management (PEIM) program under AB-512.
Digital Radiography.
Location: Medicine Hat
Duration: 8 Weeks
Vision has proven its competence in Digital Radiography with a solid 8 week stint at a major plant near Medicine Hat. The project was originally planned to last 3 weeks, however, our client was impressed with the results and it turned into an 8 week job as the project expanded past the original scope.
Digital radiography has some inherent advantages that become very apparent performing shadow shots in a busy plant environment. Lower radiation levels and lower shot times allow for less disruption of an operating plant.
Thanks to Jeff Kenny and Mike Willerton for a stretch of long days on this one.
Pipeline Maintenance
Location: Cranbrook, BC
Duration: 3 Months
Our client is the owner of the natural gas distribution network in British Columbia. Every year they perform maintenance and expansion on their network.
This past summer Vision was able to secure the contract for two ‘spreads’ of work from mid summer to freeze up in the fall.
Smart pigging finds defects in the line and then crews dig up and repair the found defects. As well ongoing expansion means excavations and welding on new branches to the operating line.
Both operations are tricky and require advanced Non-Destructive Examination to ensure the safety of workers and the public.
CSA Z-662 pipeline code has requirements for this work including performing a carbon equivalency (also known as spark testing) on the old pipe.
Vision has a state-of-the-art LIBS unit to perform this work along with competent technicians.
Code also requires a Lamination scan (Ultrasonic testing) before cutting into a line and Radiography and magnetic particle testing on new welding.
Visions strong multiticket crews were able to economically perform this work for our clients and have already been asked to come back next year.
Thanks to Anthony Tarnowski, Roger Yarjau, Austin McNeely, Jordan Kallen and Jason Robutka for a job well done.